Just nak ckp sikit pasal what's happening in our batch now...we've heard a lot of not-so-good things from our beloved lecturers about our batch, dan saya berharap sgt2 kalau boleh kita jgn cepat melenting dan blame sape2 in this issue......kita dah sedia maklum mcm2 perkara yg tak elok didengar berlaku dlm batch kite and this should become a good lesson for us to learn.."its a stupidity to make the same mistake twice"...please try not to repeat the same mistake....
Whatever happens, there's a hikmah behind it..and maybe the Almighty wants us to learn,to test us, so that we appreciate things more and become a better Muslim...
Ape yg lecturer ckp mungkin salah satu cara utk menaikkan semngat kita utk terus memajukan diri kita, even the words are quite harsh, look at the positive sides...open our mind widely...it is part of learning...and sometimes learning the hard way will make us stronger...
and i believe lecturers do not judge the whole batch when only a few students are not so good...what we can do is...prove to our lecturers that we are not as what they think we are...do not let them down...just remember...without them, we wont be as what we are today...their contributions are a lot...
So...all the best...never give up....and always pray to Allah...
Ok...ni ade announcements:
1. Perhatian kepada ketua posting namely ZAROL, AJMAL, SAM, and FAKHRI, please collect RM50 for this sem pre-AGD fees asap....perhatian juga kepada salam, edre, adam, hazlan, ghaus, awis, afiq, aie, ajmal, hazri dan razak, anda masih lg belum membayar yuran yg sem lepas, jadi silalah berbuat demikian asap....
2. InsyaAllah pada 6th Mac 2010, MSC akan menganjurkan Inter-batch sport tournament dr 9.00am - 5.00pm, so there will be only 4 games:
(yg kat bwh tu adalah PIC for each game, so kalau berminat nak join..kontek la mereka)
a) Futsal (bro n sis)
Bro - Wan Ikram
Sis - Farah
b) Volleyball (bro n sis)
Bro - Saiful
Sis - Nik Liyana
c) Basketball (bro n sis)
Bro - Hazri
Sis - Rodie
d) Dodgeball (bro only)
e) Netball (sis only)
kasi menang lagi tahun ni..kite bolot title best overall sampai grad..chaiyok!
ermm..tp ramai bdk2 public health takleh join sbb time tu diorg ade intervention day...masalah gak tu
xpe..kitorang just dlm 7-8 org je yg x dpt main..
yg lain tu teruskan perjuangan..
futsal bro kasi champion eh!
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