
Website: Herald Malaysia Online
URL: http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/hambaallah.html
At the time of posting, the URL http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/hambaallah.html returns HTTP error 404 (file not found). The screenshot's time was 8:25 pm, January 4th.
The message in the screenshot is clear, and is translated as follows:
we will not keep quiet as long as you still use ALLAH name.
save the sanctity of ISLAM
If you are wondering what this is all about, search/Google for "herald allah". The Malaysian Insider has a scoop on the defacement here.
Anyways, here's a summary:
URL: http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/hambaallah.html
At the time of posting, the URL http://www.heraldmalaysia.com/hambaallah.html returns HTTP error 404 (file not found). The screenshot's time was 8:25 pm, January 4th.
The message in the screenshot is clear, and is translated as follows:
we will not keep quiet as long as you still use ALLAH name.
save the sanctity of ISLAM
If you are wondering what this is all about, search/Google for "herald allah". The Malaysian Insider has a scoop on the defacement here.
Anyways, here's a summary:
- Herald Malaysia has been using the word Allah to refer to the Christian God in the Malay language version of the newspaper
- Some time in 2009, the Home Ministry banned The Herald to use the word Allah. It's main reason was that it might confuse Muslims, as Allah has been used to refer to the Islam God.
- On 31st December 2009, the High Court ruled that the order is illegal.
- And now we have this mess.
Hmmm... biarlah diorg nak guna word Allah pun. Aku rasa and harap Muslims kat M'sia ni xdela jahil sangat untuk terkonfius...
aku rase diorg agak jahil jugak, pasal ajaran Ayah Pin and tarekat2 yg mengarut pn bole ada pengikut.. better save than sorry kan?
Betul... tapi consider position org2 kristian tu gak. Cuba kalau org Kristian sedunia kata Muslims xleh guna the word "god". Kire xleh pakai la semua english-translated qur'an. Pastu semua thesis UIA form KIRKHS yang ada guna pkataan "god" kena rewrite balik. Tak ke jenuh tu...
Kat dunia arab penduduk kristian ada 30juta lebih, more than the malaysian population. diorg guna gak the word "Allah" to refer to "god". Kalau Muslims kat Arab countries bleh tolerate and tak tersesat, kenapa Malaysian Muslims can't? The solution to ignorance is education and enlightenment, not censorship.
Politicians (from both sides) cepat2 je nak jadikan ni "isu melayu".
Languages should unite, not divide...
Food for thought
err... sekadar bertanya.. boleh tak kalau kite biar je diorg gune Allah... kite gune nama Allah yg lain.. ade 99 kn? bole ke?
God is a generic ENGLISH word for the supreme being, bukan tertakluk pada Kristian sahaja. Mind you, Old Testament is in Hebrew.
Why Malaysian Muslim can't? i'm sure ad ajaran sesat kt Middle East tu, tapi adakah sebegitu rampant macam kat Malaysia? plus, are you sure Muslim arabs boleh tolerate? and doesnt it crossed your mind that maybe Christians can be that 30mil much because of this so-called tolerance?
language should unite between muslims and non-muslims? do you really want that?
food juga.. :)
Ok, satu demi satu...
1) "God is a generic ENGLISH word for the supreme being, bukan tertakluk pada Kristian sahaja."
True, but the word god has roots in the anglo-saxon linguistic group, whose ppl are believed to have converted from pagan religions jadi kristian dalam tahun 500. So one could argue that for about 1400 years the word was mostly exclusively christian, sampai la the "internationalization" of the english language during the 19th to 21st century. When ppl from bangsa lain adopted the widespread use of the word god, the christians (especially those anglo-saxons) xde pulak bising2 takut nanti org2 kristian "sesat" and "confused".
2) "plus, are you sure Muslim arabs boleh tolerate?"
In an argument, we do not ask others to prove the negative, so this question is moot.
3) "maybe Christians can be that 30mil much because of this so-called tolerance"
Christianity and judaism ada kat tanah arab sebelum rasulullah lahir lagi. The arab christians today are the descendants of those who did not coonvert to islam during the expansion of the islamic empire. To argue that ada kristian kat arab due to muslim "tolerance" doesn't make sense coz christianity precedes islam in the region. Another case in point: 15million hindus in pakistan and bangladesh. The difference is, org arab x equate arab=islam, kita kat msia je yg kata melayu=islam...
4) "language should unite between muslims and non-muslims? do you really want that?"
What i meant was, bahasa melayu bukan hak milik eksklusif orang melayu islam. Many bumiputra sabah/sarawak yg agama kristian cakap BM. Not fair for us untuk kata kat diorg, y'all xleh guna this word, cari perkataan lain. Sedangkan diorg tahu cakap dalam BM je, lainla kalo diorg reti cakap english ke, italian ke, latin ke... Aku quote: "The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for 'God' than 'Allah'." Aku x sure, tapi rasanya x pernah lak come across hadith in which nabi halang non-muslims guna the word Allah...
Aku rasa the central point in this isuue is: "as a consequent of this ruling, adakah muslims akan confuse and sesat?" Aku akui mmg org islam kat msia ni mcm mudah2 terikut ngan ajaran sesat, so the concern by certain groups is understandable. Firstly, kalo x silap, herald tribune tu diorg kasi kat org kristian yg datang gereja je, bukannya diorg jual kat newsstand. So kalaulah kita terjumpa sekeping risalah berterbangan kat luar pintu gereja, kat atas tu ada tulis "Terbitan herald katolik", lead story dia pulak "Terdapat ramai individu, basilika, Gereja, tugu peringatan, seminari, konven malah pekan dan bandar yang dinamakan Santo Yusuf." (actual news from herald online). Rasa-rasanya, resonable ke untuk org islam jadi konfius, even if ada word Allah dalam tu?
I think islam is on the headlines for the wrong reasons. Most likely, the top 3 headline-grabbing news regarding islam in msia are these (ni aku reka2 je):
1) "Islam hadhari penyelamat umat"
2) "Barbaric muslims insult hindus by parading severed cow head"
3) "Muslims ban the use of the word Allah, as they do everything else"
4) "Muslims do what they do best: hijack. This time it's herald online's website"
Agaknye non-muslims tertarik ke dengan islam kalo camni? Tak ada ke?:
"Islam in malaysia is the beacon of tolerance and compassion"
"Muslim doctor from IIUM wins Nobel prize" :P
More food...
Eh, silap. Top 4 headline-grabbing news, bukan top 3... :P
I recommend kalau ada masa try to search for Shah Kirit punye komen on this matter. Generally he disagreed about the use of Allah but the interesting part is the reason is a logical one. Sorry tak dpt share link sbb blom jumpe lg online version. Panjang nak cite kat sini plus i'm not knowledgable in this issue n still not confident yet in conveying his ideas at the moment.
Very enlightening, insyaAllah. :)
bertemu lagi..
1) "the word god has roots in the anglo-saxon linguistic group, whose ppl are believed to have converted from pagan religions jadi kristian dalam tahun 500"
the anglo-saxons converted from pagans to christians, right? which means christianity did not originate from them right? i.e, the word God is not the exact word from the first christians, right?
in case of 'Allah', the word did not exist before Islam. The Arabs use 'ilah' to refer their supreme being as we Malay use the word 'tuhan', as Anglo-saxons use the word 'God'. get what i want to say here?
without Islam, humanity would not have the word 'Allah' in their vocabulary. in another words, the word Allah is created only for the use of our beloved religion.
2) "In an argument, we do not ask others to prove the negative"
i did not asked you to prove the negative, what i meant is you are making a sweeping statement without basis i.e jumping into conclusion.
3) "maybe Christians can be that 30mil much because of this so-called tolerance"
i admit, i jumped into conclusion here. so it is considered moot?
4) "What i meant was, bahasa melayu bukan hak milik eksklusif orang melayu islam"
so you want to say, Allah is a Malay word? enlighten me.
"The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for 'God' than 'Allah'."----> i just refute this in the no.1 statement.
No, the central point to me is "why christians use the word Allah?" and one of the minor complication is "as a consequent of this ruling, adakah muslims akan confuse and sesat?". it's more of a dignity issue here.
I heard about a story about a Muslim, who considered conversion to christianity due to an illogical belief that since Jesus 'is' Isa, God of jesus 'is' Allah. Then, Islam or christianity both can lead to Heaven. (i also heard that this tactic is used by mubaligh kristian to convert Muslim orang aslis). See? this simple but twisted logic can be made worse to trick these orang asli muallafs if we allow the use of the word 'Allah'. now do you understand the consequences?
Headlines are headlines. for example, when Americans invade Afganistans, the headlines in America are "Americans liberated afganistan". so why bother? plus, Islam x tersebar melalui surat khabar sahaja. banyak lagi saluran lain.
lets have a feast then.
read this, from a non-muslim Malaysian's view. So sensitive. http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/121406
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