One day, i was seeing a patient in the ward, who was admitted for uncont DM / HPT. That patient was clerked by a houseman (CSMU grad). Let’s introduce to you this great great houseman. She is “Legend” in my hospital. She stays in Medical department as a houseman for more than 4 months already (2 months tagging, currently allowed to start on call but with supervision by another H.O). Well, she had written down on the clerking sheath “Fundus examination — no papilloedema, no haemorrhage”. I was so ‘impressed’ that she was able to see the fundus of a patient with bilateral immature cataract. So the next step, i called her to come, and tested her about fundoscopy, and few more simple questions. I was totally speechless after I got the answers form her
1) Did not know how to use ophthalmoscope, did not even know how to switch on the light
2) Papilloedema is “swelling of the whitish part (she pointed to her sclera) of the eye”
3) Normal SBP = 110 to 130 mmHg
4) Normal DBP = 100-110 mmHg
5) Normal PR = 90 - 110 bpm
6) Normal Spo2 = 90-95%
7) Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea = patient feel SOB at night only, not during daytime
Orthopnoea = patient feel SOB on sitting up position
9) ECG –> “mute”
btul ke ni?tht terrible ke
Nak share cerita ok je..
tapi xperlu kot sebut Univ mana.
Cukup la skadar nk share cerita, amik pengajaran xjadi camtu..
Bukan semua student U tu camtu..
Student uia pun ntah2 ada je yg sengal..
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