1st of all i would like to infor all of u that is ignorant enough 4 not noticing (jgn mre..gurau je..aku tau jaringan maklumat 10thbatch sgt power!) that i've been warded in 5B due to volar barton fracture with distal intraarticular radius fracture(mcm salah jek..xpe..aku x amik ortho lg).i've been scheduled to undergo locking buttress plating on a date yet to be confirmed(again...kalo salah..aku x amik ortho lg) but i've decided that the surgery to be done inHSNZ(sori orthorian..melepas korg nk tgk op aku..n anaes skalian..melepas korg nk sedate ak...*lega*)
saje je post ni sbnrnye..just terase nk kongsi pengalaman selama 3 hari...jap3 intonasi x betul..3 HARI...ermm...still kurg skit...3 HARI!!!!!!..(ok br ade impak skit) menjadi pesakit di HTAA.well masa terasakan tidak bergerak ketika terbaring diatas katil melihat student nurse menukar bedsheet,nurse melakukan passover,doktor2 menyibukkan diri mekihat pt dan MS mundar mandir tanpa hala tuju cube menunjukkan mereka bz(gurau je guys..jgn marah..haha).disaat itu terpk...yaAllah bile laa aku nk boleh kembali aktif nih..bosannye terbaring disini...dan disaat itu juga terdetik..mgkn this miht be the time 4 me to feel how r the pts feeling when they r warded..so i/ve make some observation(nmpk sgt aku bosan giler kan?)...
from what i've see..pts tends to make friends with each other to pass some leisure time(read as "all the tme").it seems so easy for some pts but some pts likes to stay passive n hoping someone would approach them 2 make friends.n from what i've observe,people tends to make frieds with someone who is about the same age as them...so this leaves the sad,in pain, lonely old man to just stay in bed n see everyone was making friends to everyone elese except them..i think this is our role as medical students.to make sure these people wasn't feel left out.of course i've never noticethis before i've been warded(haram..pandang pt nk pk pasal pt perspective pun x penah sblm masuk fammed).haha..ape laa aku ngarut nih..korg pk2kan laa..x ruginyeer mase korg pk nih smbl men dota tgh plan nk gb lan ke,time men futsal tgh redi rembat macha ke..
btw i would like to thnx to all of u esp orthorians 4 being there as peneman bicara(ramai pt pelik awat ptbed E21 tu femes giler...smpi sume doc tegur..siap ade sekumpulan doc dtg utk bergambar bersame..ade yg dtg bentan notebook die atas bed nk tulis kes (*ethic alert!!*jgn wat pade pt len!)smpi sorg NS tu angkat kening penuh kekeliruan,ade yg dtg pg2 makan pow roti(*ethic alert!!*jgn wat kat pt lain!)..ade sorg pernah bertye.."selama 2 ari jd pt, ade perasaan nk lempang medical students x?"to me,xde laa kot..ye laa..a pt who is bored n in pain,otherwise apparently well..ur presence is like a cure..haha..4 other pt (with same characteristics ike mnine) i think they wud agree..only n if only u approach them with the right attitude n passion inur face showing that u care 4 them...ok rasenye da cukup kut aku ngarut2..kang lebih2kang jorg malas nk bace plak..
lastly thnx again to those yg dtg visit..(femes jugak aku rupenyer..leh laa nk guling jepa pasnih..WAHAHAHA!!)those yg dtg with their sweet smile(x tau laa kalo maksud smile sorg2.."padan muke ko zarol..jd pt aku" or "siot zarol, tambah pt lam wad aku! mahupun.."zarol...tgn ko patah, tgn aku ok..nananana~")..appreciate that guys..final say..doakan aku cpt sembuh!x sabar nk kembali beraksi!
(sori byk salah eja..taip sebelah tgn..letih elbow aku nkkaver due2 site of keyboard!)
Biostatistics Workshop using R #1/2021
3 years ago
penat aku nk baca tulisan ko tp msg well taken n take care!!! get well soon!!!
p/s: aku bute IT sebelah mata je...sebelah lg dah celik...hehehe
get well soon zarol!
take care!
dude!!! u rock!!!
take care... and keep that smiley face always.. :)
weh.. balik a HTAA.. tak complete a CWU aku..
haha..wak kat ganu dok starang.
tp molek gok aku wase.
kalu aku aku dok wi ke puok2 ni bius.
bile nak wat op tu boh?
buleh aku g insyaAllah.
mesti tgn ko dah ok sbb bleh tulis ngan panjang lebarnye...ko tak yah balik la..aman sikit kat KK tu..haha..rehat dlu lama2...
si bute IT ni mesti timah!!haha kantoi!
ghaus: :)
awis:xleh ke tulis "pt was referred to HSNZ 4 further management"?
pesal:xtau g..ade info aku royat ASAP
AJ:keamanan itu tidak lama...
Dari awal post dah terfikir mcmana la Zarol type agaknya, takkan guna sebelah tgn kot? Akhirya terjawab jugak, mmg guna sebelah tgn pun rupanya..
Tahniah Zarol, dpt bertafakkur dan muhasabah diri sepanjang 3 hari.. nikmat yg Allah bagi kadang2 kita lupa nak bersyukur, sampailah satu hari bila Allah tarik balik nikmat yg Dia pinjamkan kat kita kan?
Hmm.. Harap Zarol berjaya jadi contoh tauladan yg baik kat ward. Ramai org yg tak solat, bila tgk zarol solat, tu pun dah jadi contoh yg baik yg org boleh ikut. byk lagi..
P/s: Komen ini ditaip dgn sebelah tangan utk menjiwai apa perasaan patient.. tp cuma bertahan perenggan pertama shj.. sungguh baru terasa nikmatnya mempunyai 2 functional hands, wrists, elbow, dll... Alhamdulillah...
x sangke plak pt terhibur bile medical student dtg..igtkn dierg menyampah..nyebok jerr tanye byk kali..smlm da tanye..arini tanye lg..trimas for the info zarol..btw, kdinz kem slm kt mg.ye kabo u'll survive!
..jawab exam guna laptop best.
Zarol ko xnk try?
latest info - zarol op esok
latestest info-zarol D2 post op(taip gune 2tgn)
sheth:xnk..tgn kanan aku leh pgg pen..lg letih menaip sblh tgn..
Aku aritu right thumb je xleh guna.
So exam still bleh type guna 9 jari..
Less 1 finger doesn't affect my performance.
ko type 2 tangan tu... guna brape jari? 2 jugak? Patut la letih..
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