"Dr siapa yang tengok ni tadi? Oh, Dr Farhanah!"
Gulp. Telan air liur. Selama ni kalau patients panggil Dr, boleh lagi ckp, “Makcik, sy student je, belum jadi Dr lagi,” sambil tersengih...
Tp, bila yg panggil tu adalah Specialist sendiri, maka terkedulah seketika… lebih-lebih lagi depan private patients, takkan nak sengih-sengih ckp “Eh sy student lagi…” Jadi, tidak dapat tidak, muka pun diusahakan utk di‘control’ supaya kelihatan seprofessional yg mungkin.
Saat tu, baru tersedar.. org klate ckp ‘jetak’.. Seolah terkena renjatan elektrik. Tak lama lagi kita tak boleh dah berada di zon yg selesa. Tak lama lagi title DOCTOR tu bakal menggalaskan suatu tanggungjawab yg bukan sembarangan di atas bahu kita. Tanggungjawab yg melibatkan nyawa dan emosi manusia. Tanggungjawab yg sgt memerlukan keikhlasan, ketabahan, kekuatan, serta ketahanan mental, fizikal dan emosi yg kuat.
In the Ophthalmology Clinic...
My 1st, good-looking, 17-year-old male patient complained of colour blindness which he just started to notice a year ago. But he wasn’t really sure until his doubt was answered 2 months back during JPJ test when he faced difficulty in eliciting the numbers during colour vision test.
Dr. KMK first explained briefly regarding the pathophysiology of the condition. The cells are there, but for some unknown reason, they are not functioning. But the cells are present.
The patient however, wanted to become a pilot. But because of the strict colour codings used for pilots in landing planes especially, it was not a safe choice.
So, Dr counseled both the patient and his mother on the choices he could alternatively take in pursuing his dreams.
"This colour blindness should not stop you from achieving what you dream of, from doing what you want to do, or from being what you want to be. There are however certain fields in which colour-coded instructions may cause you slight difficulties, and may even be harmful to you. But there are sooo many other courses and paths you probably have never even thought of.
Remember, this is not the end for you. But this is the beginning for you to open up your heart for a wider range of choices, opportunities which are perhaps better than what you initially targeted for. There’s a better fate out there which Allah has destined for you, and He thus made this colour blindness as a turning point to diverge you to achieve the path which He has chosen for you, the choice which He knows is best for you…Believe me, you are going towards something better. You just need to look at it positively"
Betul ckp Dr
Aduh, ni contoh yg sangat jauh menyimpang dari tajuk sebenar ni. Ok, lupakan.
antara benda2 best/x best spjg 1st week ophthal.
- doc2 & staff2 yg baik
- dr. adzura belanje nasik kukus
- amek IOP <- ni paling best
x best:
- ade gas beracun dalam wet lab..hahaha
thanx to Hana Insyirah..
artikel2 yg sgt menarik..
keep posting..
boleh up jadik 2nd admin ni..
how a doctor can become a motivator as well.. it is not easy.. it must be the doctor him/herself seorang yang berfikiran positif dan sentiasa berbaik sangka dengan Tuhannya... what about us???
this shows that a doctor can become a motivator to his or her patient as well.. dengan hanya bermodalkan air liur, seorang doktor mampu untuk mengubah cara berfikir pesakitnya.. yang lebih utama, mengingatkan pesakitnya tentang Allah.. dalam hal ni, berbaik sangka dengan Tuhan yang menciptakannya. thanx dr khairidzan for being a good example for us.. semoga dr terus bersemangat utk mendidik kami..
dr khairidzan is the best!
contoh yg dikatakan jauh mnyimpang tu, im abolutely agree with it.. sbaik mne pn someone, x smestinye yg tbaik utk kite..
(komen yg juge jauh mnyimpang.. hehe)
Bertanyalah kepada mereka (yang musyrik itu): “Siapakah yang memberi rezeki kepada kamu dari langit dan bumi? Atau siapakah yang menguasai pendengaran dan penglihatan? Dan siapakah yang mengeluarkan makhluk yang hidup dari benda yang mati, dan mengeluarkan benda yang mati dari makhluk yang hidup? Dan siapakah pula yang mentadbirkan urusan sekalian alam?” (Dengan pertanyaaan-pertanyaan itu) maka mereka (yang musyrik) tetap akan menjawab (mengakui) dengan berkata: “Allah jualah yang menguasai segala-galanya!” Oleh itu, katakanlah: “(Jika kamu mengakui yang demikian), maka mengapa kamu tidak mahu bertakwa?”(Surah Yunus:31)
mcm best je ophthal..huhu
Dr. KMK mmg sgt best..not only as a lecturer, motivator but researcher as well..he obtained several outstanding researcher awards (tgk dkat dinding klinik oftal)...part yg plg best waktu kne jadi scrub nurse, assist dr for pterygium excision...time tu jugak blajar name2 all those surgical tools dgn staff nurse yg sgt baik...rase cam nk masuk oftal balik..- Jepa
Betul lah, tak sempat nak menikmati sepenuhnya posting ni, dah nak kena tukar posting lain. 2weeks - too short. kami tak dpt lagi assist any operation so far.. But hopefully we can make the best out of every subposting.
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