- Display computer security posters.
- Present computer security briefings.
- Change your password.
- Check for computer viruses.
- Show computer security videos, films or slides.
- Protect against static electricity.
- Modify the logon message on your computer system to notify users that Computer Security Day is November 30.
- Vacuum your computer and the immediate area.
- Clean the heads on your disk drives or other magnetic media drives.
- Back-up your data. (after being certain that it is virus-free.)
- Delete unneeded files.
- Initiate a computer security poster design contest for next year.
- Demonstrate computer security software.
- Publicize existing computer security policy.
- Issue new and improved computer security policy.
- Declare an amnesty day for computer security violators who wish to reform.
- Announce COMPUTER SECURITY DAY in your internal newsletter.
- Examine the audit files on your computers.
- Verify that the "Welcome" message that is normally used on your computer is appropriate for your organization.
- Write-protect all diskettes that are not to be written to.
- Take the write-protect rings out of the tapes in your library.
- Verify your inventory of computer applications.
- Verify your inventory of computer utilities and packaged software.
- Verify your inventory of computer hardware.
- Install and inspect power surge protection as appropriate.
- Install fire/smoke detection and suppression equipment in computer areas.
- Eliminate dust from computer areas, including chalk dust.
- Provide dust and water covers for personal and larger computers.
- Post "No Drinking" and "No Smoking" signs in computer areas.
- Develop a recovery plan for all computer systems that require one.
- Verify that passwords are not "Posted" and all other keys are secured.
- Verify that backup power and air conditioning fit your needs.
- Have a mini training session to provide all computer users with a basic understanding of computer security.
- Verify that all source code is protected from unauthorized changes.
- Verify that each computer has trouble log and that it is being used.
- Verify that appropriate off site storage exists and is being used.
- Remove all unnecessary items such as extra supplies, coat racks, and printouts from the computer room.
- Select a computer system on which to perform a risk analysis.
- Begin planning for next year's COMPUTER SECURITY DAY.
- Change the FORMAT command in DOS to avoid accidentally FORMATing of disks.
- Protect the computer on your store-and-forward phone message system.
- Hold a discussion of ethics with computer users.
- Volunteer to speak about computer security at a local computer club or school.
- Collect Computer Security Day memorabilia to trade with others.
- Register and pay for all commercial software that is used on your computer.
- Register and pay for all shareware that you use regularly.
- Install all security-related updates to your computer's operating system.
- Help a computer novice backup their files.
- Protect all cabin computers from floating droplets of liquid.
- Plan to attend a computer security meeting or seminar.
- Consider the privacy aspect of the data on your computer and protect it.
- Update your anti-virus program
- Add to this list . things that you believe would benefit all advocates of computer security
Source: www.computersecurityday.org
54. Don't touch someone's computer without permission
55. Don't pull LAN cable too much. Rosak laa hub nanti
56. Please pay your streamyx bill immediately when asked
54,55,56 - amboi admin... ada yg tercaras disini nmpknye. haha. bravo admin
wah, last 3 tu mcm ada isu dalaman jek..
tambah lagi satu cha..download secepat mungkin..episode 14 dah kuar boss, best gak based on review..he2
ups..maksud aku download south park..he2
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