Date: 4th - 10th Jan 2010
Venue: IIUM field, IIUM courts, CF sister
Time: to be informed
For further info n enquiries, kindly contact NORAFANDI or Sport & Rec representative of MSC....
Majulah Sukan untuk Negara!

download here -->
file name --> ABC of Dermatology.rar
author --> Paul K. Buxton
edition --> 4th edition
publisher --> WileyBlackwell; 4th Edition edition (24 Sep 2003)
file size --> 1.47 mb
password --> No password

download here -->
file name --> Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology.rar
author --> Klaus Wolff, Richard Johnson
edition --> 6th edition
pages --> 1104 pages
publisher --> McGraw-Hill Professional | 2009-03-01 | ISBN: 0071599754
file size --> 70.5 mb
password --> No password
*** utk e-book Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology ni belum lg diupload kat hosting kita..sebab file dia size besar..sape2 yg nak direct boleh jumpa admin terus @ amek dari warga WAJ yg lain..harap maklum..
'Ukasyah ibnu Hafiz, permata hati sahabat kita, Mawaddah (Nursing Year4) & Hafiz (Pmacy Year4) telah kembali ke rahmatullah awal minggu lalu, kerana aspiration pneumonitis, tersedak susu.
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun...
Betapa segalanya hanya pinjaman semata-mata, Allah boleh menariknya kembali bila-bila masa sahaja....
Sama-sama kita doakan mereka tabah menghadapinya, dan semoga 'Ukasyah akan menarik bonda dan ayahandanya sama ke syurga... Beruntungnya mereka, diuji sedemikian rupa...
Copied & pasted directly from
Some of you especially frequent followers of Ustaz Hasrizal's blog may have read this article entitled...
“Saya susah hati,” kata Nasir.
“Kenapa?” saya menoleh ke arahnya.
“Bulan depan saya akan menyertai ‘kelab ustaz’!” ujar beliau.
“Kelab Suami Doktor ke?” saya bertanya.
“Ya. Tak lama lagi Insya Allah,” kata Nasir lagi.
“Alhamdulillah. Welcome to the club, akhi!” saya teruja dan menumpang gembira.
Di kalangan rakan yang mengenali, istilah ‘Kelab Suami Doktor’ itu sinonim dengan saya. Hingga ada yang secara lurus bendul mahu mendaftarkan diri dengan organisasi yang hakikatnya hanya gurauan sesama kami sahaja.
Saya menumpang kereta Nasir untuk pulang daripada menjalankan sebuah program latihan siswazah. Perjalanan sejam menuju ibu kota tidak kami sia-siakan kerana walaupun sama-sama tinggal di Kuala Lumpur, peluang berjumpa dan berbual bukan selalu diperolehi.
Satu bentuk usrah barangkali.
“Mengapa susah hati?” saya teringat balik kepada soalan asal Nasir.
“Macam-macam cerita yang saya dengar. Trauma barangkali. Malah sekarang ini pun sudah ketara sibuknya bakal isteri saya,” cerita beliau.
“Oh begitu. Anta pun apa kurangnya. Jurutera atau doktor, sibuknya lebih kurang sahaja” saya cuba mengendurkan persepsi Nasir.
“Selain apa yang ada dalam buku Aku Terima Nikahnya dan Bercinta Sampai ke Syurga, apa yang boleh ustaz nasihatkan saya? Nasihat ringkas dan padat untuk saya pegang” pinta Nasir.
“Hmm… ana menimbang-nimbang permasalahan yang sampai ke pengetahuan. Rasanya, kebanyakan kita mempunyai tahap toleransi sekadar lima tahun sahaja. Selepas lima tahun, mula berantakan, bermasam muka, tak bertegur sapa, malah membelakangkan semua hasil mahsul Tarbiyah hingga tergamak bermain kayu tiga,” saya memulakan kisah.
“Berat tu, ustaz. Apa penyelesaiannya?” Nasir kelihatan sedikit resah.
“Tidak semudah itu untuk memberi penyelesaian. Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya ustaz boleh cadangkan satu petua penting” saya menambah.
“Apa dia?” beliau bertanya.
“Kurangkan SEPATUTNYA di dalam hidup ini!” saya cuba membuat rumusan yang mudah saya dan Nasir ingat tatkala melayari kehidupan berumahtangga.
Mungkin pelik bunyinya.
Memang SEPATUTNYA adalah sesuatu yang diperlukan untuk kita menetapkan matlamat, tetapi ia juga boleh menjadi racun yang memusnahkan kehidupan berumahtangga tatkala SEPATUTNYA menjadi sesuatu yang dipertahankan melebihi APA YANG PATUT.
“Sepatutnya, awak sebagai isteri kenalah…” ayat ini boleh dituturkan oleh sang suami dari pagi ke pagi.
“Awak sebagai suami, sepatutnya…” balas si isteri pula.
Sukar untuk sebuah rumahtangga berdiri dengan aman apabila terlalu banyak SEPATUTNYA yang diperjuangkan. Jika di dalam Bahasa Inggeris, SEPATUTNYA itu adalah sebuah EXPECTATION. Kita meletakkan banyak jangkaan dan jangkaan itulah yang kemudiannya berubah menjadi kekecewaan.
Semasa mula berumahtangga, dengan pemikiran yang ideal tentang Bait Muslim, kita merancang pelbagai benda.
Misalnya, si isteri bercita-cita untuk si suami menjadi Imam Mithali dalam sebuah rumahtangga. Mengimamkan solat, memberi tazkirah dan membacakan hadith kepadanya setiap hari dan pelbagai impian yang indah lagi sempurna.
Bukan sahaja dalam soal ibadah dan amalan Islam di dalam rumahtangga, si isteri juga mahu suaminya menjadi seorang menantu yang diidam-idamkan oleh ibu bapanya. Menantu yang boleh diharap, yang pandai mengambil hati mertua dan terpercik pujian kepadanya kerana bijak menemukan calon suami yang begitu.
Itulah impiannya.
Impian yang kemudiannya mula memberanakkan pelbagai SEPATUTNYA di sepanjang pelayaran rumahtangga.
Suami pun sama juga.
Beliau mengidamkan sebuah kehidupan yang teratur, tidak perlu lagi bersusah payah ke dapur seperti di alam bujang yang serba kurang. Isteri dikahwini dengan 1001 harapan agar dapat berperanan dengan cemerlang, malah bayangan ibunya sendiri yang bermujahadah membesarkan beliau dan seisi keluarga menjadi kayu ukur untuk menilai pencapaian isteri yang dinikahinya itu.
Tempat kelahiran banyak SEPATUTNYA apabila satu demi satu harapan itu tidak kesampaian.
“Tapi ustaz, bukankah SEPATUTNYA itu perlu supaya kita boleh muhasabah tahap masing-masing?” soal Nasir kepada saya.
“Betul. Namun jika kita bercakap tentang soal survival rumahtangga, SEPATUTNYA itu juga memerlukan muhasabah yang khusus. Periksa balik dari semasa ke semasa, mungkin ada beberapa SEPATUTNYA yang perlu kita uzurkan. Terutamanya suami” saya menambah.
“Misalnya?” Nasir tidak puas hati.
“Macam yang anta katakan tadi, anta mengharapkan agar isteri anta menjadi menantu yang baik kepada ibu bapa anta. Namun selepas lima tahun berumahtangga, isteri anta masih tidak mesra dengan mertuanya. Tetapi dia masih seorang isteri yang baik. Bincangkanlah hal ini dengan isteri. Ruang untuk beliau membuat perubahan, memerlukan anta untuk mengundurkan beberapa SEPATUTNYA. Kalau anta masih mahu mempertahankan expectation di awal perkahwinan dahulu, takut-takut yang dikejar tidak dapat ketika yang dikendong berciciran. Reality check, kata orang kampung ana!” saya menyambung lagi.
“Hmm. Takut saya. Ustaz sendiri masa baru-baru kahwin macam mana ustaz amalkan bab SEPATUTNYA ini?” soal beliau.
“Di awal perkahwinan, kami tinggal berjauhan. Ana di Belfast dan isteri di Galway, kemudiannya Letterkenny. SEPATUTNYA selepas kahwin kami dapat bersama sepuas-puasnya, tetapi keadaan tidak mengizinkan. Malah selepas mendapat tahu yang isteri mengandung, SEPATUTNYA ana yang turun ke Galway atau naik ke Letterkenny melawat isteri. Tetapi hujung minggu adalah kemuncak kesibukan ana. Maka Ummu Saif yang turun naik bas pergi ke Belfast dalam keadaan sarat mengandung. Apa nak buat?” saya membuka cerita.
“Tahan ke?” Nasir seakan-akan tidak yakin.
“Kami berkahwin semasa usia lebih kurang anta dan bakal isteri. Tidak sampai seminggu selepas akad nikah, Ummu Saif sudah memulakan rotation beliau sebagai doktor junior yang menjalani tempoh housemanship yang sangat menekan. Kerja separuh mati, balik rumah sudah tidak punya sisa tenaga untuk buat apa-apa. Sebagai suami, ana ada banyak SEPATUTNYA yang boleh ditimbulkan. Tetapi menyedari akan realiti, banyak SEPATUTNYA yang ana buang” saya mengimbau kisah lama.
“Misalnya?” soal Nasir.
“Ana kemas rumah, ana masak dan bawa makanan ke hospital. Dan jika dua-dua sudah terlalu letih untuk balik, kami bermalam sahaja di Doctor Rest yang sempit itu. Esok paginya ana bawa bekas-bekas makanan kotor itu balik ke rumah untuk dibasuh. Cuba untuk bahagia dengan keterbatasan yang ada,” saya berkongsi kisah dengan bakal suami doktor yang seorang ini.
“Sampai bila proses membuang SEPATUTNYA itu perlu dibuat?” Nasir cemas.
“Sampai MATI. Sampai terkambus di liang lahad!” saya menjawab ringkas.
“Suami sahaja?” Nasir gelisah.
“Kalau perempuan daripada zaman batu sampai zaman hutan batu mampu bergadai nyawa beranak, beranak dan beranak, mengapa lelaki hari ini yang sudah tidak mengangkat pedang di medan jihad tidak mampu untuk BERJIHAD menjaga rumahtangga? Manja sangatkah perawan akhir zaman sekarang?” saya cuba menyuntik semangat.
“Beratnya jadi suami. Mesti mampu sabar sampai ke mati!” ulas Nasir. Pendek.
“Sabar itu di permulaan sahaja. Insya Allah ia akan naik taraf menjadi redha” saya menokok.
“Susah saya nak bayangkan macam mana suami sabar dan redha sampai ke kubur” Nasir jujur memberitahu.
“Sebab itu ramai anak menjadi pening melayan ibu yang tua selepas kematian ayah!” saya terkenang kisah seorang teman.
“Kenapa?” Nasir tidak faham.
“Hebatnya seorang suami dan ayah, dia mengundurkan banyak SEPATUTNYA hingga dibawa ke kubur. Tolak ansur ayah itu menjadi pakaian yang menghijab kekurangan si isteri yang juga ibu kepada anak-anak mereka berdua. Apabila ayah sudah tiada, barulah kelemahan-kelemahan si ibu muncul menjadi ‘perangai’ yang meletihkan anak-anak. Lepas ayah mati, baru nampak rupa emak yang tidak pernah dilihat sebelum ini.” saya mencukupkan penjelasan.
“Isteri-isteri kamu itu adalah sebagai pakaian bagi kamu dan kamu pula sebagai pakaian bagi mereka” [al-Baqarah 2: 186]
Suami yang menjadi pakaian isteri itu menyembunyikan kelemahan-kelemahan si isteri dengan penuh sabar dan redha hingga dibawa mati bersama ke kubur, sampai anak tidak nampak kelemahan ibu mereka sepanjang ayah ada bersama. Dia dikebumikan bersama banyak SEPATUTNYA yang dibawa mati tanpa rasa terkilan.
“Inikah maksudnya ERTI HIDUP PADA MEMBERI bagi seorang suami, ustaz?” tanya Nasir.
“Ya. Ia bukan slogan. Tetapi sumber kekuatan diri,” saya menyetujui beliau.
“Dari manakah kekuatan itu mahu dicari?” Nasir melangsaikan pertanyaan.
“Kita hidup dalam dunia yang penuh dengan benda yang TIDAK PATUT. Jadi berpada-padalah pada melayan SEPATUTNYA yang banyak hinggap ke diri. Hidup memberi itu mustahil boleh dibuat-buat, sehinggalah kita berjaya untuk benar-benar percaya, bahawa kita hanyalah HAMBA kepada-Nya. Hamba tidak layak meminta-minta dan meletakkan pelbagai standard atau jangkaan hidup. Fokuskan kepada peranan, dan syukuri setiap yang diterima, biar sekecil mana pun ia” saya selesai berkongsi pandangan.
“Ustaz rasa saya mampu?” Nasir menoleh ke arah saya.
“Berikan ilmu kepada akal supaya tahu. Suntikkan iman ke hati supaya mahu. Berjihadlah menundukkan nafsu supaya mampu. Insya Allah!” saya tersenyum.
Kami sama-sama sepi.
Merenung hutan belantara yang luas terbentang di kiri dan kanan lebuh raya. Hutan tebal yang menyembunyikan 1001 isi dan rahsia, seperti sebuah perjalanan rumahtangga yang tidak diketahui akan rupa kembaranya di hari-hari muka.
Selamat berumahtangga, Nasir.
68000 AMPANG
the message is clear..
dont trust your favorite 3rd party facebook, myspace applications..
32 millions++ credential info like username, email and password (in plaintext yaw!) leaked out in the underground scene..
the responsible provider seems like not walk the talk..
the TOS & Privacy Policy said not to store users password indeed stored it insecure way which is left unencrypted..
luckily, for me, myspaceism is the past, facebook is not my type ;-p
d3ck4 sayz:
KID ROCK says:
"twitter is gay!"
d3ck4 is one of my sifoo & friend..
met him around 2001 if not mistaken..
a well known guy in malaysia hacking scene..
very2 good in exploiting sql injection vulnerability..
represented malaysia in last hack in the box conf in KL..
x silap aku dia dari UniKL..
currently working on his
sape2 yg minat security boleh la masuk blog dia..

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Walaupun sekadar copy paste, article ni best sbb dikupas dari segenap aspect; tak bias & prejudis dengan mana2 pihak. Very well researched article. Baca la smpai abis.
Lecture to 1st year medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine, International Islamic University, Kuantan on 19th June 1999 by Prof Dr Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr.
The concept of Islamic Medicine is still elusive after more than 2 decades of inquiry about the matter. It has meant many things to different people. The 1st International Conference on International Medicine held in Kuwait debated two approaches to the definition: (a) concept of revival of ancient Muslim medicine and the (b) the concept of applying Islamic values and paradigms to any type of medicine thereby Islamising it (52). Subsequent seminars and publications in Kuwait delved deeper into the issue (44, 45, 46). Two seminars were held in Malaysia with the involvement of the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia to debate the issue in July 1995 and 1997 (52, 33). We will review various views of Islamic medicine and conclude by giving what we feel is the most appropriate definition.
The debate on the definition of Islamic medicine has been blown off course in 2 unhealthy ways. Some persons who have no medical training have claimed to practise the so-called Islamic medicine as an alternative to western medicine. The Islamic sentiments of the masses as well as disenchantment with systems of medical care have turned many towards this alternative form of medicine. Our experience with practitioners of this medicine is that they are are pursuing narrow interests. Not only do they provide medicine and other forms of physical therapy buy they also sometimes get involved in superstitious practices that contradict the tauhidi creed of Islam. A second way in which this debate has become unhealthy is when it is politicised and it becomes an issue of cultural or ‘medical’ nationalism, both concepts being alien to Islam. The argument goes like this: if westerners have scientific medicine provided at government hospitals, then Africans or other ethnicities should also have their own traditional medicine that must be defended against the encroachment of western medicine. Islam came to break down barriers of prejudice and build one universal brotherhood under which all parochial interests would be buried. Islam therefore does not accept a dichotomy in medicine depending on who developed it. All medicine is judged on its usefulness, effectiveness, and lack of harmful effects. All effective and useful medical systems either in toto or in parts are accepted by Muslims and they are loathe to attach nationalistic labels to them.
Starting with the advent of the 15th century of hegira that coincided with major political and social upheavels in theummat (Iranian revolution, Afghan jihad, islamisation in Pakistan under the late Zia al Haqq), there was increased pride in the achievements of the Islamic civilisation in all fields including medicine. A major proportion of the papers at the 1st and 2nd International Conferences on Islamic Medicine in Kuwait in 1981 and 1982 respectively was devoted to history (6). Special seminars either free-standing or as part of medical conferences have been devoted to the memory of early Muslim physicians such as Ibn Nafees, al Zahrawi, and others (6,18). Some of the authors demand justice for Muslim contribution to western medicine that the west has ignored (14, 63, 64, 70). Some claims of early Muslim contributions are exaggerated such as saying that al Zahrawi was the first surgeon in the world (21).
The medicine practised by Muslims in the golden era of Islamic civilization has been looked at by some as the ideal of Islamic medicine. Islamic medicine was defined by Syed Hosein Nasr and others (16, 64) as the historical achievements. The historical theme has continues to fascinate all Muslim physicians who write on Islamic medicine and reading through their literature one is drawn to the inevitable conclusion that history is both an inspiration and a challenge to the present generation (14). Arguments have been advanced that the historical perpsective can not on its own define an Islamic paradigm of medicine (52). It could actually be utilised in a negative way as a psychological defense mechanism to rationalise failure of the contemporary generation to achieve what the ancients did. It is also an issue open to debate whether all what was achieved historically can be termed Islamic medicine. Humans and circumstances were not always in conformity with the broad vision of Islam. The ownership of such medicine is also debatable. Muslims learned it from the Greeks and they improved it. In India they did not even change its name and continued calling it tibb unani (Arabic for Greek medicine). Claiming that such medicine represents the Islamic ideal in medicine can therefore not be supported.
There have been efforts to revive traditional Muslim medicine in a new form by carrying out scientific studies including double-blind controlled clinical studies to show its therapeutic effectiveness and also study other aspects relating to its pharmacology. The 1st and 2nd International Conferences on Islamic Medicine devoted a lot of time to revival of old remedies with a lot of optimism for the future (6). The Hamdard Foundation in Pakistan in engaged in research on traditional herbal remedies. However these efforts have not been pursued vigorously and consistently in other countries.
The Qur’an and sunnat have many teachings on medicine either general or specific (19, 29, 30,31, 66, 67). The Qur’an is itself a cure and there is a definite role for spiritual cures in the medical scheme (6). The relevance of Qur’anic and hadith guidance on medicine and health to the modern situation has been a major pre-occupation. Some authors have prescribed preventive and curative measures from the teachings of the Qur’an and the sunnat of the Prophet (1,2, 48, 71). Preventive medicine has in particular been associated with Islamic medicine (47). There have been attempts to reconcile medical teachings of the Qur’an and sunnat with modern findings by medical science (17, 61, 66). Clinical and other studies have been carried out about medical teachings in the sunnat to prove their efficacy. The black seed is the most popular in this regard (57). While tibb Qur’anu and tibb nabawi are a valid expression of Islamic medicine, they do not represent the total picture or cover the whole spectrum of Islamic medicine (52).
Ahmad El Kadhi presented a paper at the First International Conference on Islamic Medicine held in Kuwait in January 1980 (Athar 1993) and proposed 6 distinguishing criteria of Islamic medicine and using statistics and medical experience in the US argued that modern western medicine did not fulfill the criteria of being (a) excellent and advanced; (b) based on faith and Divine ethics; (c) guided and oriented, ie consistent and logical; (d) comprehensive, paying attention tot he body and the spirit, the individual and the society; (e) universal, utilizing all useful resources and offers its services to all mankind; (f) scientific. Two of the 6 criteria require a re-examination. Criterion (a) should not be taken in an absolute way. A medical system’s excellence or advancement is a relative assessment based on the knowledge and resources available at a particular time and a particular place medical systems are continuously improving making it virtually impossible to classify them at a particular point in time as excellent. Criterion (e) about medicine being scientific could better be defined as based on objective research using all sources of knowledge available including revelation. The word ‘scientific’ and ‘scientific method’ have been misused as representing objectivity when in practice we know that there are many in-built biases in today’s medical research that reflect subjective opinions, philosophies, and world views. This is in addition to fraud and incompetence that are reported in the press.
Use of values and ethics as defining characteristics was seen as an improvement on the definition of Islamic Medicine using operational criteria. The criteria are difficult to measure and compare across different systems of medicine. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr. in a paper presented to the first International Islamic Medicine ConferenceKuwait (Kasule 1980) argued that Islamic medicine can be defined only as values and ethics and not as any specific medical procedures or therapeutic agents. This definition allows Islamic medicine to be a universal all-embracing concept that has no specific or particular time-space characteristics. A definition based only on values is however too general to be useful operationally. Values can be very subjective and difficult to define exactly.
It is clear from the above that there is a need for a clearer definition. Various perspectives of Islamic medicine have been explored critically and a synthesis is made ending with a proposal of a new definition below. A definition proposed by Kasule (52) for Islamic medicine could act as a working hypothesis until a finer definition evolves: Islamic medicine is defined as medicine whose basic paradigms, concepts, values, and procedures conform to or do not contradict the Qur’an and sunnat. It is not specific medical procedures or therapeutic agents used in a particular place or a particular time. Islamic medicine is universal, all-embracing, flexible, and allows for growth and development of various methods of investigation and treatment of diseases within the framework described above’.
© Professor Omar Hasan Kasule June 1999
Menurut pres MSC kite, plannye ari jumaat ni juge akan diadakan farewell party utk Dr2 tersebut, so time tu la nanti hadiah tu akan diberi pade dr. tp memandangkan kite ade IRK, so batch kte tak dpt hadir nanti aku akn wakilkn hadiah tu pade sape2 la...
thats all..
1)Details of IRK class as follows:
Topic : Crimes
Date/Day: 4th Dec 09/Friday
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: LH2, IMC
Lecturer: Prof Hassan
Prof Hassan asked me to arrange another date/time for his previous IRK class which had to be postponed...he'd like to do it next weekdays because next Friday (11/12/09), there will be another class with him before he leaves for his country (Egypt ke?) the next day...
Since everybody is fully occupied during day time, he suggested to conduct the class either in the evening (at 5.00 or 5.30PM) or at night (maybe after Magrib) in IMC on any days except which one do u prefer ? plss reply..asap
2) Family day :
Date/Day: 5th Dec 09/Saturday
Time: 7.30am - 2.00pm
Venue: IMC field
Fees: RM1
(all students must pay, the extra money will be saved in MSC fund. attn: Zaki's posting)
*Breakfast & lunch will be provided
there will be lots of interesting games, i hope everybody can come as this is the only time for us to know our juniors, strengthen our ukhwah....tak elok sombong2...
to all posting leaders (Paan Razak/Hafis Md Tob/Zaki/Nizam), please get a namelist of your posting members who would like to join the family day..(for food)
According to the organizing comt, the event will be carried on even if its just come la..
Salam, thanks...
happy birthday adminG..
keep up the positive thinking.
kindness and thoughtfulness are ur forte,
and u r not potte
u inspire many w ur thoughts and actions,
we're all so grateful for such reactions,
like the Reds from Anfield,
you'll never walk alone~
aku yg mewakili pengghuni WAJ
p/s: ape lg bos, party la....
a celebration we shall surely remember...hehe
Once upon a time there was a rich King who had four wives.
He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to the finest of delicacies.
He gave her nothing but the best.
He also loved the 3rd wife very much and was always showing her off to neighbouring kingdoms.
However, he feared that one day she would leave him for another.
He also loved his 2nd wife.
She was his confidante and was always kind, considerate and patient with him.
Whenever the King faced a problem, he could confide in her, and she would help him get through the difficult times.
The King's 1st wife was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and kingdom.
However, he did not love the first wife.
Although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her!
One day, the King fell ill and he knew his time was short.
He thought of his luxurious life and wondered, "I now have four wives with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone."
Thus, he asked the 4th wife, "I have loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you.
Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No way!" replied the 4th wife, and she walked away without another word.
Her answer cut like a sharp knife right into his heart.
The sad King then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?"
"No!" replied the 3rd wife. "Life is too good! When you die, I'm going to remarry!"
His heart sank and turned cold.
He then asked the 2nd wife, "I have always turned to you for help and you've always been there for me.
"When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?"
"I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" replied the 2nd wife.
"At the very most, I can only walk with you to your grave."
Her answer struck him like a bolt of lightning, and the King was Devastated.
Then a voice called out: "I'll go with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go.?"
The King looked up, and there was his first wife.
She was very skinny as she suffered from malnutrition and neglect.
Greatly grieved, the King said, "I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!"
In truth, we all have the 4 wives in our lives:
Our 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it will leave us when we die.
Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, it will all go to others.
Our 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how much they have been there for us, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.
And our 1st wife is our Soul. Often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the world. However, our Soul is the only thing that will follow us wherever we go.
Cultivate, strengthen and cherish it now, for it is the only part of us that will follow us to the throne of God and continue with us throughout Eternity.
Thought for the day: Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray.
buku ni memang semua student ophthal. kena ada..
doc. dah tulis dalam senarai references dkt guideline..
yg buku ni 'required'

download here -->
file name --> Lecture Notes on Ophthalmology.rar
author --> Bruce J., Chris C. and Anthony B (2005)
edition --> 9th edition
publisher --> Blackwell Publishing
file size --> 3.92 mb
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saje je post ni sbnrnye..just terase nk kongsi pengalaman selama 3 hari...jap3 intonasi x betul..3 HARI...ermm...still kurg skit...3 HARI!!!!!!..(ok br ade impak skit) menjadi pesakit di HTAA.well masa terasakan tidak bergerak ketika terbaring diatas katil melihat student nurse menukar bedsheet,nurse melakukan passover,doktor2 menyibukkan diri mekihat pt dan MS mundar mandir tanpa hala tuju cube menunjukkan mereka bz(gurau je guys..jgn marah..haha).disaat itu terpk...yaAllah bile laa aku nk boleh kembali aktif nih..bosannye terbaring disini...dan disaat itu juga terdetik..mgkn this miht be the time 4 me to feel how r the pts feeling when they r i/ve make some observation(nmpk sgt aku bosan giler kan?)...
from what i've see..pts tends to make friends with each other to pass some leisure time(read as "all the tme").it seems so easy for some pts but some pts likes to stay passive n hoping someone would approach them 2 make friends.n from what i've observe,people tends to make frieds with someone who is about the same age as this leaves the sad,in pain, lonely old man to just stay in bed n see everyone was making friends to everyone elese except them..i think this is our role as medical make sure these people wasn't feel left out.of course i've never noticethis before i've been warded(haram..pandang pt nk pk pasal pt perspective pun x penah sblm masuk fammed).haha..ape laa aku ngarut nih..korg pk2kan laa..x ruginyeer mase korg pk nih smbl men dota tgh plan nk gb lan ke,time men futsal tgh redi rembat macha ke..
btw i would like to thnx to all of u esp orthorians 4 being there as peneman bicara(ramai pt pelik awat ptbed E21 tu femes giler...smpi sume doc tegur..siap ade sekumpulan doc dtg utk bergambar bersame..ade yg dtg bentan notebook die atas bed nk tulis kes (*ethic alert!!*jgn wat pade pt len!)smpi sorg NS tu angkat kening penuh kekeliruan,ade yg dtg pg2 makan pow roti(*ethic alert!!*jgn wat kat pt lain!)..ade sorg pernah bertye.."selama 2 ari jd pt, ade perasaan nk lempang medical students x?"to me,xde laa laa..a pt who is bored n in pain,otherwise apparently well..ur presence is like a cure..haha..4 other pt (with same characteristics ike mnine) i think they wud agree..only n if only u approach them with the right attitude n passion inur face showing that u care 4 them...ok rasenye da cukup kut aku ngarut2..kang lebih2kang jorg malas nk bace plak..
lastly thnx again to those yg dtg visit..(femes jugak aku rupenyer..leh laa nk guling jepa pasnih..WAHAHAHA!!)those yg dtg with their sweet smile(x tau laa kalo maksud smile sorg2.."padan muke ko zarol..jd pt aku" or "siot zarol, tambah pt lam wad aku! mahupun.."zarol...tgn ko patah, tgn aku ok..nananana~")..appreciate that say..doakan aku cpt sembuh!x sabar nk kembali beraksi!
(sori byk salah eja..taip sebelah tgn..letih elbow aku nkkaver due2 site of keyboard!)
- Display computer security posters.
- Present computer security briefings.
- Change your password.
- Check for computer viruses.
- Show computer security videos, films or slides.
- Protect against static electricity.
- Modify the logon message on your computer system to notify users that Computer Security Day is November 30.
- Vacuum your computer and the immediate area.
- Clean the heads on your disk drives or other magnetic media drives.
- Back-up your data. (after being certain that it is virus-free.)
- Delete unneeded files.
- Initiate a computer security poster design contest for next year.
- Demonstrate computer security software.
- Publicize existing computer security policy.
- Issue new and improved computer security policy.
- Declare an amnesty day for computer security violators who wish to reform.
- Announce COMPUTER SECURITY DAY in your internal newsletter.
- Examine the audit files on your computers.
- Verify that the "Welcome" message that is normally used on your computer is appropriate for your organization.
- Write-protect all diskettes that are not to be written to.
- Take the write-protect rings out of the tapes in your library.
- Verify your inventory of computer applications.
- Verify your inventory of computer utilities and packaged software.
- Verify your inventory of computer hardware.
- Install and inspect power surge protection as appropriate.
- Install fire/smoke detection and suppression equipment in computer areas.
- Eliminate dust from computer areas, including chalk dust.
- Provide dust and water covers for personal and larger computers.
- Post "No Drinking" and "No Smoking" signs in computer areas.
- Develop a recovery plan for all computer systems that require one.
- Verify that passwords are not "Posted" and all other keys are secured.
- Verify that backup power and air conditioning fit your needs.
- Have a mini training session to provide all computer users with a basic understanding of computer security.
- Verify that all source code is protected from unauthorized changes.
- Verify that each computer has trouble log and that it is being used.
- Verify that appropriate off site storage exists and is being used.
- Remove all unnecessary items such as extra supplies, coat racks, and printouts from the computer room.
- Select a computer system on which to perform a risk analysis.
- Begin planning for next year's COMPUTER SECURITY DAY.
- Change the FORMAT command in DOS to avoid accidentally FORMATing of disks.
- Protect the computer on your store-and-forward phone message system.
- Hold a discussion of ethics with computer users.
- Volunteer to speak about computer security at a local computer club or school.
- Collect Computer Security Day memorabilia to trade with others.
- Register and pay for all commercial software that is used on your computer.
- Register and pay for all shareware that you use regularly.
- Install all security-related updates to your computer's operating system.
- Help a computer novice backup their files.
- Protect all cabin computers from floating droplets of liquid.
- Plan to attend a computer security meeting or seminar.
- Consider the privacy aspect of the data on your computer and protect it.
- Update your anti-virus program
- Add to this list . things that you believe would benefit all advocates of computer security
54. Don't touch someone's computer without permission
55. Don't pull LAN cable too much. Rosak laa hub nanti
56. Please pay your streamyx bill immediately when asked
harap maklum...
***jepa..aku edit post ni..takut org keliru..tq
A lot.
Dr. KMK did not actually do any teaching for us last Friday during his clinic. But amazingly, we learned A LOT from him. How come eh? Inilah yg dinamakan Dakwah bil hal. Dakwah dgn perbuatan, dgn akhlaq yg baik. Ia jauh lebih memberikan kesan berbanding kata-kata semata. Sebab tu sbg Dr nanti, akhlaq kita, tutur kata kita, cara kita bawak diri, cara kita berkomunikasi dgn org lain, dgn colleague kita, dgn staff nurse, dgn patient sendiri, yang tua dan yang muda, yang miskin dan yang berada.. kalau kita buat semuanya dgn akhlaq Islami, berpandukan Kitab Suci dan Sunnah Nabi, semuanya akan menjadi teladan yg baik utk dicontohi..
Dan "Bila seseorang menerima hidayah dari Allah SWT disebabkan kamu, nescaya hal itu lebih baik dari unta yang berwarna merah,” (HR Al-Bukhari dan Muslim). Rasulullah SAW menyebut unta merah, sebab unta merah adalah unta yang paling baik masa tu. Mungkin mcm ferrari merah la kot skrg ni. I dunno lah keta-keta ni.
Mak patient yg colour blind tu ckp, “I know it can’t be rectified, I know it can’t be cured. But is there any way he could be helped? Any sort of enhancement or something?”
Silence. Utk seketika.
“Not at the moment, unfortunately”, Dr KMK jawab dgn penuh rasa empati, dgn nada suara yg berbau simpati. Dengan body language dan gaya tangan yg seolah turut sama mengerti. Tp kemudian disusuli pula dgn sesi motivasi. Yg sungguh menyentuh hati. Sehinggakan patient yg pd mulanya slightly depressed, (or rather his mom yg seemed more worried), akhirnya keluar dari bilik consultation dgn senyuman yg terukir di bibir.
They did not find any solution for the chief complaint of colour blindness. Nor did they gain any therapy that could correct this particular genetic defect. But what they received was a ‘therapy’ far more precious. The smile on their faces emerged as if their problem has been solved, as if the defect has been cured. Suatu kepuasan yg luar biasa setelah menerima kata-kata nasihat dan pemberi semangat dari seorang Dr. Kata-kata nasihat yg lahir dari pandangan positif seorang hamba Allah yg sentiasa husnuzzon dgn Tuhannya.
Kadang-kadang juga, kita asyik je duk tengok org ni lebih kat sini, org tu pulak kelebihan dia mcm tu. Tp diri kita sendiri dilihat penuh kekurangan. Serba-serbi tak kena. Tapi kita lupa, Allah itu Maha Adil dan Saksama. Pastinya setiap insan akan punyai kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Kelebihan yg sudah tentu akan dipersoalkan kembali nanti, bagaimana ia digunakan dlm menunaikan hak Allah. Mungkin org ni kelebihan dia lukis kartun, mungkin org tu pulak kelebihan dia menulis. Org ni pandai masak. Org tu pulak pandai hias rumah. Org ni terer ingat Anatomy, org tu pulak hebat dlm Pharmaco. Org ni kalau exam medic mesti distinction, tp org tu pulak cepat hafaz ayat2 al-qur’an. Org ni maybe colour blind, tp VA 6/6 both eyes. Org tu pulak, walaupun tak colour blind tp VA 6/60. Sebagai contoh la.
Bila kita gagal utk melihat kelebihan diri kita sendiri, maka kita juga pasti akan gagal utk mensyukuri apa yang Allah bagi pd kita. Sebab kita tak mampu nak menilai nikmat pemberianNya.
But beware, in recognizing the gifts Allah has bestowed upon us, let it be just enough to make us count our blessings, and channel it to gain Allah’s pleasure, not too much of acknowledgement to let riya’ appear.
Bagaimana sabarnya ibu bapa menjaga kita sejak kecil suatu ketika, begitu jualah sepatutnya kita layan mereka bila mereka sudah tua, bila dah ada cataract kat dua-dua belah mata, bila kaki mula menggigil2 kerana osteoarthritis kat lutut sini sana, bila jalan sgt lambat sebab cepat letih dan susah nak nyawa… Sebagaimana mereka mencuci dan menyalin lampin masa umur kita setahun dua, mampukah kita nanti melakukan perkara yang sama utk mereka?
"Dr siapa yang tengok ni tadi? Oh, Dr Farhanah!"
Gulp. Telan air liur. Selama ni kalau patients panggil Dr, boleh lagi ckp, “Makcik, sy student je, belum jadi Dr lagi,” sambil tersengih...
Tp, bila yg panggil tu adalah Specialist sendiri, maka terkedulah seketika… lebih-lebih lagi depan private patients, takkan nak sengih-sengih ckp “Eh sy student lagi…” Jadi, tidak dapat tidak, muka pun diusahakan utk di‘control’ supaya kelihatan seprofessional yg mungkin.
Saat tu, baru tersedar.. org klate ckp ‘jetak’.. Seolah terkena renjatan elektrik. Tak lama lagi kita tak boleh dah berada di zon yg selesa. Tak lama lagi title DOCTOR tu bakal menggalaskan suatu tanggungjawab yg bukan sembarangan di atas bahu kita. Tanggungjawab yg melibatkan nyawa dan emosi manusia. Tanggungjawab yg sgt memerlukan keikhlasan, ketabahan, kekuatan, serta ketahanan mental, fizikal dan emosi yg kuat.
In the Ophthalmology Clinic...
My 1st, good-looking, 17-year-old male patient complained of colour blindness which he just started to notice a year ago. But he wasn’t really sure until his doubt was answered 2 months back during JPJ test when he faced difficulty in eliciting the numbers during colour vision test.
Dr. KMK first explained briefly regarding the pathophysiology of the condition. The cells are there, but for some unknown reason, they are not functioning. But the cells are present.
The patient however, wanted to become a pilot. But because of the strict colour codings used for pilots in landing planes especially, it was not a safe choice.
So, Dr counseled both the patient and his mother on the choices he could alternatively take in pursuing his dreams.
"This colour blindness should not stop you from achieving what you dream of, from doing what you want to do, or from being what you want to be. There are however certain fields in which colour-coded instructions may cause you slight difficulties, and may even be harmful to you. But there are sooo many other courses and paths you probably have never even thought of.
Remember, this is not the end for you. But this is the beginning for you to open up your heart for a wider range of choices, opportunities which are perhaps better than what you initially targeted for. There’s a better fate out there which Allah has destined for you, and He thus made this colour blindness as a turning point to diverge you to achieve the path which He has chosen for you, the choice which He knows is best for you…Believe me, you are going towards something better. You just need to look at it positively"
Betul ckp Dr
Aduh, ni contoh yg sangat jauh menyimpang dari tajuk sebenar ni. Ok, lupakan.
This is a true story which occurred to one of the patients in 5B, with a modified version.
Imagine this happening to you.
You are a newly married couple. You and your husband love each other sooo soo much. During your unforgettable honeymoon however, you met with an accident and you escaped the trauma uninjured. However, your beloved husband whom you love with all your heart, sustained a burst fracture of one of his cervical vertebrae with complete neurological deficit below the level of lesion. Unforgettable honeymoon indeed.
Neurological deficit by definition, does not only mean you have complete motor paralysis and total loss of sensation below the level of spinal cord injury, but remember you are also incapable of controlling your own bowel and urine output. And if the level is higher up you may not be able to breathe without the assistance of a ventilator, plus a lot more other complications, so depressing you would rather not think about it.
Imagine, just imagine! Should this tragedy truly happen to you, as the injured paralysed husband, or the depressed yet concerned wife, na’uzhbillah.
One minute you can walk, run, drive and do almost whatever you can possibly think of. But the next, in a split of a second, you cannot feel your 4 limbs at all, what more to be able to move them. You lie down static in spinal board, with a skull traction screwed in your head, you cannot move any parts of your body except your eyes and mouth. Worse off, you cannot even control the daily emptying of your own bladder and rectum. Some may not be able to swallow. One minute you are the breadwinner, the head of the family. The next, you are on diapers and someone has to wash you up every now and then. Or, in words which are less harsh, you become totally bedridden and completely dependant on others.
Benarlah, Allah Maha Kuasa dan berhak menarik kembali nikmat yang dipinjamkanNya pada sesiapa jua di kalangan hambaNya, pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Dan status sebagai seorang hamba, tentulah senantiasa layak diuji Pemiliknya!
Yes, some may find this narration familiar, kan? A ‘tragic honeymoon’ is what they name it. What happened to this particular patient however, is slightly different. It wasn’t a tragic honeymoon, and the wife is already pregnant with their first child, Alhamdulillah. However, all the other disabilities mentioned about the husband are real.
Imagine, and imagine again. This could happen to anyone.
From the Islamic viewpoint, of course Allah knows whoever amongst His slaves who are tested, must be capable of enduring that particular trial. For in a hadith narrated by Imam Tirmizhi and Ibnu Majah, it has been mentioned, “The people most (tested) on trials are the Anbiyaa’. Thereafter, those closest to them.” (verified as sahih by al-albani). A person would therefore be tested in conformity to his strength of iman. If he is firm in his Deen, his trials become more intensive.
But then again, if this happens to you…
If the injured party is the wife, I would be almost certain that the husband would gladly find another wife or wives, and at the same time, he may or may not keep taking care of the ill first wife…
But what if you are the wife? At first you may be grateful your husband’s life is spared. But after 4 or 5 years taking care of a completely paralysed husband, hmm… I keep thinking would I be able to be as strong as the patient’s wife if the same test falls upon me. You cannot marry another while still being a wife to someone. Let’s say you are still young… And your first (and probably last) honeymoon before the incident did not yield a pregnancy… So, would you think of…?
If you are the injured husband, would you let your wife go?
Of course, there is no definite answer. Because multiple factors deserve consideration. It sometimes strikes me why in the world would I spend time dwelling on others’ problem? But being a mere human, we have feelings. And there’s this thing called ‘heart’ in me, which becomes easily touched when seeing cases as such. Patients ask me all sorts of questions about their diseases or problems, but more often than not, it is me who learn from them.