Tuesday June 30, 2009
‘Floating mat’ a sign to people
KUALA TERENGGANU: The Terengganu chief imam has attributed the unusual occurrences at the Crystal Mosque here as a sign of the people distancing themselves from the religion.Ustaz Azizi Saidi Abdul Aziz described claims that a visitor had seen and photographed prayer mats floating in the mosque as “hardly phenomenal” and people should stop thinking that it was due to genies or ghosts.
Mystifying: This ‘floating mat’ phenomenon occurred at the Crystal Mosque in Kuala Terengganu. The imam says such occurrences have been reported in Saudi Arabia.
“Such mystifying occurrences have been reported in Saudi Arabia,” he said yesterday.
A woman from Negri Sembilan who visited the mosque had photographed the phenomenon with a mobile phone camera early this month, triggering fear among locals.
Azizi Saidi said the phenomenon could be linked to the lackadaisical attitude of Muslims in the state in performing congregational prayers.
“There is nothing to panic. This is a call to Muslims not to overlook their obligation towards performing prayers together.
“There are umpteen mosques in Terengganu but there is a lack of mosque-goers.
“Some of our mosques lack people even during Friday prayers,” he added.
He said the occurrence was not “bizarre” but should be seen as a miracle that could be considered a sign from the Al-Mighty.
1- "ehehe mcm gubahan hantaran kawen pun ada"
2- "terapung korok mung!"
3- "trapung nape gtu..kne lebong"
4- "nok nipu dok pandai"
admin : kat atas ni antara komen2 pembaca psl berita ni dalam satu forum..hahahahaha..aku nak balik ganu lah pasni!
maybe ramai yg nak tau pasal Masjid Kristal ni..lokasi dia just sebelah Taman Tamadun Islam (TTI) & dekat jugak dengan Muzium Losong..kalau dari bandar Kuala Terengganu, makan masa dalam 5 minit je..ni antara gambar permandangan masjid tu..so,korang compare lah dengan gambar kat atas..
angin kot... (dr segi sains nye)
tp myb msj tu btl..
ye ke trganu gtu?
a) Ini dalam masjid Kristal ke? Macam dekat surau sahaja?
b) Masjid Kristal tak ada karpet ke? Pastu cube tngok gambar kat reflection cermin, rendahnya kipas..
c) Daht try buat sndiri? Cube try buat sendiri.. (aku try jadi.. lagi tinggi.. try guna sejadah yg keras2/berat sikit)
Kewajiban kita sebagai mukmin ialah menyiasat segala berita yg kita dengari dgn teliti.
Qaala Rasulullah s.a.w:
"Cukuplah seseorang itu dikatakan sebagai penipu jika dia menceritakan apa saja yang dia dengari" (Muslim)
Semoga kita semua beroleh peringatan.
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